Handyman Services

We service all types of interior,exterior repairs and improvements.
The following services are provided to give you an idea of what we can do.
It is not a final list, as our handyman services are constantly expanding.

 - repair holes & dents in drywall
 - paint touch ups
 - removing & replacing damaged tile
 - repair minor concrete damage
 - re-sealing stone tile & fixing minor grout cracks
 - door and window repair
 - Hardware installation (ie: locks, knobs, towel bars)
 - replacing a leaky / dripping faucet
 - replace kitchen/bathroome exhaust fans
 - replace ceiling fans/light/switch/outlet
 - other electrical or minor plumbing repairs

Home Renovations

 - flooring (hardwood/engineered/laminate/vynil)
 - tiling (stone, ceramic, porcelain) interior or exterior
 - painting
 - all kind of finishing carpentry (baseboad/crown molding/trim...)
 - install patio cover
 - install awing
 - deck renovation/construction
 - replace interior,exterior door.
 - light concrete work
 - tatami room
 - Jananese style interior decoration
 - and more...


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(デッキの補修と全面 コート)


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before     after


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before    after


 before    after

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